Devlog 2: Production

So far, my team has been doing pretty well in terms of production. Things have been picking up quickly, especially the need for art and level design aspects of the game.

These few weeks, I have been focusing more on getting art assets done for the game so that we can polish it up and start building these levels.  The most challenging thing is communicating between members of my team and making sure we are on the same page, but I think we have a solid understanding of what we're doing now because we have started to have more meetings. Also, what really helps for me is to make a sort of checklist and check off all the assets I have finished. This way, the team knows what I've done, and I can organize myself better. For the future, I wish to get a lot more done, especially during reading week and on the weekends. I hope to manage my time better and find a better way to work through everything.

A unique challenge I'm facing is the fact that each asset needs to have two different versions of itself (as there are two alternate realities in the game), this increases the work I need to do. However, by using an onion skin for the assets, I've just been taking the same basic shape and making it slightly different or recolored.  As they say, 'work smarter not harder', and so my goal for the future is to abide by this. To have a solid idea of what I'm doing. 


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The art looks great. Seems like you've found a good solution to the alternate reality art assets. I wonder, do the different realities have completely different colour pallets to reflect different moods?

Glad to hear that you've been able to adapt your workload to best fit the needs of the game. That must be quite a handle you've had to keep on the art. Our team had a similar issue with communication at the beginning of the semester and having that one major meeting really did help us all settle the questions we had remaining. I find that having visual mock-ups can also really help getting ideas across, but I understand if there is very little time for those considering the amount of art you already have on your plate!

Hi, Launa. Using onion skin to complete alternative assets is really smart and creative. I'm not sure what these assets are prepared for, maybe it's a puzzle, If so, I suggest you change some details such as the shape of the corners to increase the difficulty of identification, but I think it's also interesting to make a visual deception by turning a square cabinet into a cylindrical tank.