Devlog 1: Pre-Production

This week, I decided to dive straight into coming up with enemy ideas and talking to other members about what exactly the story is that we want to tell. 

First, I focused on designing the enemies, brainstorming what they could look like and how they would function. I decided to focus on two types (ranged and melee-focused). Making the soldier type more ranged and the scientist type more melee (these were enemy ideas discussed before). Thinking of a soldier, I thought that the enemy could possibly resemble a toy army man (as the story is told through the eyes of a child). Therefore, things could be exaggerated due to their perception of reality. For the scientist, they could have a huge chainsaw, as they want to cut up the player and harvest their limbs. Why? They were experimenting on this child. (This is part of our initial story idea.) Overall, I just made rough notes and ideas for what the enemies could look like in the game.

Then, I wanted to flesh out the story and give it structure. Start getting down to the specifics of what the basic plot is. So far, we just know that there is a boy who escapes a facility. He was an experiment, and he has powers. That's all we really know.  So, how can we flesh this out more? 

I started to write a hook, as all good story pitches go. One or two sentences that summarizes the entire story. Then, a synopsis, which would get into some of the gritty details: When does this take place? Well, I thought it could take place after WWII (or some alternate version of that). Since the game focuses on the trauma and PTSD of a child, this makes sense. But how did this child get here? Perhaps they were a POW, or were sold by their parents after the war (yes, that happened. For as low as 2$) Overall, I got some ideas down and shared them with members of team. After reviewing my ideas, they also had ideas of their own. So, right now, I'm in the process of listening to these ideas and really fleshing out a narrative everyone is proud of. Hopefully by next time, our team will have a basic narrative we can all  get behind!

Included in this devlog are a screenshot of the original hook and concepting notes.


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Hi Launa!

Looking at your ideas for your project, it seems really interesting, and can't wait to see it in action if your team does go with it! I should do what you're doing by writing a hook and then a synopsis for my project to present to my team when I get a chance.